Eyes wide shut!
I have grown wary of the simplistic ways in which the well educated urban youth looks at the recent terror attack and current political/economic issues and the naïve quick fix solutions they suggest. The biggest argument against anyone like me who questions these simplistic, at times even irrational/illogical theories is, ‘if not this then what’s your answer’? As if questioning the rational makes it binding to provide answers!
Well, I feel that answers are there but to understand and appreciate ‘my sort’ of answers one should be at least willing to analyze, debate and understand the root cause of any issue. Without addressing it, suggesting simple, superficial (mostly jingoistic) solutions does nothing but only makes one ‘feel good’(it’s a different story that most of the times that’s all people aim at)
What is even more disturbing is the sympathetic considerations and even explicit support that certain morally, intellectually and ethically flawed political actions are getting these days. Some examples of really dangerous interpretations are, people’s opinion that India must follow the US example to combat terror, or Raj Thakrey’s point is valid but the means (use of force) are inappropriate, or that Hindu terrorism is a justified aftermath of Islamic terrorism, or thinking that draconian anti-terror laws will help combat terror better, the really naïve ones are about giving better education and changing people’s thinking and getting rid of corrupt politicians!
What is seen to be absolutely lacking today, is logical and open minded scrutiny of any policy/political decision and analyzing how it impacts the society (by society I mean everybody who is a part of it and not just the urban middle class).
Let me address some common myths and underlying real reasons.
Myth No. 1 - India should follow US example and take strict military action against terrorist camps in Pakistan
Evaluating effectiveness of any past strategy/policy is extremely important before accepting or promoting it. America’s war on terror has been far from being effective against terrorism and though some may conclude that because of this so called war on terror, there have been no more attacks on US. Even though the later is true, but US war on terror has made the whole world a lot more unsafe than before, and that is a serious problem. Also another important aspect (which is again easily overlooked) is how much harm has US caused to Al-queda or bin laden or the actual terrorist camps? Post 9/11 it launched into a full blown war against Afghanistan in retaliation against the militant group, which the US itself had fostered when it was at odds with the Soviet Union in the late 80s and early 90s. Whatever may be the reason, Afghanistan today is a country with the largest number of widows and orphans and the terrorist outfits just moved their camps to Pakistan1
We also need to understand any country (other than Pakistan itself) does not have the moral/political right to bomb any territory (even if its occupied by terrorist) within its boundary. It will surely result in deaths of lot more civilians than the terrorists and only deepen the mutual hatred giving further support to terrorist campaigns. Instead, it is far wiser to let Pakistan handle its own mess. Also the world (read US for all practical purposes) should stop giving legitimacy to Pakistan army. Why did Rice have to meet Pak army chief? Is it a common procedure in other states? Is it not that by doing this act, US acknowledges the army’s hold giving it political legitimacy? To do this on one side and ask Pak government to act tough against terrorism on the other is of course in line with usual US hypocrisy.
Myth No 2: Corruption is root cause of all internal mess we have
The problem with this myth is when people say this they imagine corruption of traffic hawaldar and police and govt offices not understanding how a system that is based on corrupt practices is exploitative. Also people imagine politicians as some independent entities (much like hindi films) who operate in isolation with the system and society. They cannot understand in fact, they will be very angry if you point out legal and illegal corruption of corporations and other private people who actually maintain corrupt politicians in office. As corporations are the leading barons of India shining saying anything against them is criminal and of course anti-development! The poor governance that results out of vested interests that large corporates have is incomprehensible to these people, you are not even allowed to bring it up!
Myth no 3: Because of poverty people fall prey to terrorist traps and give them information in exchange for petty returns
This argument does not explain involvement of educated professionals in masterminding and carrying out so many of the recent terrorist operations. What about similar religious propaganda spread by RSS, Bajrang Dal and the likes? Their recruits are in fact high caste well educated and mostly urban middle class or higher-middle class youth. The worse part is these organizations even have the state at their disposal which results in Gujarat like pogroms. How do we address this issue with the above argument?
Myth no 4: We need tougher anti-terror laws
While there could be a strong case, specially in the light of recent Mumbai attacks to strengthen our intelligence network and disaster management systems but the move should be towards increased transparency and accountability and not reduced. One example of failed tough laws that merits consideration is India’s handling of northeast and Kashmir issues. There have been really tough laws, especially in case of northeast and constant military presence in both regions but situation has never improved. It only worsened. Also one should understand that state repression can be much worse (example emergency/ Gujarat pogrom) than an independent isolated group’s terrorism. Hence there should always be enough checks and balances on state power and we should demand more transparent laws, laws that empower people not the state.
These are just a few examples from the current issues and the list can go on and on…The point I want to highlight is that lack of public awareness and understanding of politics is fatal for any society and specially a democracy which thrives upon public participation and debate. If we take naive views like globalization is good, population is bad, terrorism is only Islamic etc, real issues never come up and the politics underneath is not understood. The worst part is, such ignorance gives legitimacy to morally, economically and legally flawed political decisions.
22 December, 2008
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nice article :D
i tend to agree with most of it..
overall i have this feeling-
Thanks for reading..I too read ur piece on animal farm but i did not understand what you are saying about freedom! I felt u have kept it very vague so that its open to diff interpretations...
I used to feel totally disinterested in politics for a long time but then i realised there nothing like like being apolitical as all decisions are ultimately political, even not being political :)
Anyways...nice to meet u on blogger
That was great Ashwini. Its true that it would be naive for us to find simplistic reasons to understand the way terrorism flourishes.
I would just like to share my views on the subject where u have questioned the common myths prevalent that why terrorism grows and what should be done about it.
Lets look at the history and lets try and look it with simplistic point of view (Something I know u don’t like much... but since history of mankind is so vast that we would have to generalize and categorize to come to some conclusion)
There are 3 reasons for a War/ Uprising/ Terrorism
1) Hunger for Power and Territory
2) War/ terrorism in the name of religion
3) Uprising against unjust governance
Lets face it Ashwini … Young men… much younger than u n me are brainwashed in the name of religion. This is so called Jehhad ... a so called Holy war.
Now I don’t have an answere to this but I would like to know views of as many people as possible on this. Religion was supposed to bring people together …. Closer to God… I mean that’s what I understand by religion. But then I fail to understand the history. Why has world seen so many wars on the name of religion. Why have we seen countries being partitioned … Why are we seeing violence in Gazza Strip every other day. World is a diverse entity and people from one part are bound to be different from the other part in terms of their language, Habits, beliefs, etc. But nothing has divided the world like religion has. Religion was supposed to teach tolerance. Then why and how has it become an excuse for such extreme violence and hatred. As I said … its not new ….. It has history from the time religions were actually created. I need to read your views on Religion and the role it plays in terrorism.
I appologise if the above gave you an impression that I was trying to be simplistic and trying to find A particular reason .... and I know the terrorism dynamics arent all about Religon... its about Oil too and its about being powerful too but I want a debate on how religion has divided us rather than uniting us.
Hi Vikas,
Sorry for such a delayed response...
I feel that religion is a 'political' structure, political not in electoral sense but in the sense of real or literal politics. To put it in the words of Marx, religion is the opium for the masses!
It defines hierarchies, social structures and wealth and power distribution structures. that's why you will see all religions, except may be few tribal or pagan ones, all discriminate between men and women and/or basis of birth. Human need for faith and belief in super natural entity is universal and religion also provides identity that is as strong a human need as his/her physical needs. But as is inherent in politics there are bound to be winners and losers and hence all the wars...
As far as recent jehadi terrorism is concerned, it is not fueled by just the dire poverty and pathetic state of governance but also by the fight for identity. The way America and the western power has tried to abolish so many countries' self respect, for example what they have done, in Iran, Iraq and Palestine has laid to anger and vengeance of the kind we witness and will witness for years to come....
So my basic take is, religion is not as simple and as benevolent as it seems and it is beyond doubt that it will remain as the most important form of politics on this earth and will continue to influence or cause many more wars and struggles...
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